Friday, March 7, 2008

Small beads and focals....

I don't normally make little round beads, but I decided to go on a little round bead "jag"... I'm thinking about creating some jewelry.

If only I worked faster or longer! I'd like to get together enough inventory to do at least one craft show this summer. I keep saying that I want to do it, and then... well, I think I chicken out.

Four years ago, a short 2 months after my hysterectomy surgery, I participated in a craft show. Unfortunately, I was far more exhausted than I expected to be and did not have much to sell. My set-up was pretty bad, too.

Then, to make matters worse, my mother had gone in for knee replacement surgery a couple of days prior to the show, and I got a call on Sunday morning that she was in trouble - a pulmonary embolism. I packed up and left for Peoria.

I have stuck to online sales since then. I need some courage!!

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