Friday, October 4, 2013

Mom. I'll love you forever.

Heart Insert
Last Saturday, my mother passed away. She had a long, slow disease called dementia. It's a terrible disease that takes a person away in pieces. I took care of her for almost 3 years, but she spent the last 2 years in a very good nursing home, with caring nurses and nurse's aides. They did not have an easy job - mom was combative, anxious, angry and frightened. I wanted to do something to express my gratitude to her caregivers.

So I made polymer clay hearts, of course.
Thank-you hearts

Esther Cronk, circa 1970?

This is how I like to remember her. This photo is from when she was in her 40's. She looks so happy. This is the picture I'm keeping in my head forever. I love you mom.
Obituary For: Esther R. Cronk | Renner-Wikoff Chapel and Crematory

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